night doula

Using Carrot Benefits for a Night Doula in Orange County

Bringing home a newborn is no joke. You’re exhausted, recovering from birth, running on fumes, and trying to figure out how to keep a tiny human alive while also keeping yourself somewhat functional. I know that might sound bleak, but the amazing thing is - there is hope. You don’t have to navigate postpartum alone. If your employer offers Carrot benefits, you may be able to use them to pay for overnight postpartum doula support. That means you get some actual sleep while a professional doula helps care for you and your baby. Yes, it’s a real thing. And yes, it’s worth every penny (especially when it’s covered).

Finding A Doula in Orange County: What Sets Us Apart

When we first started considering phasing out our agency and transitioning to a doula matching service, we had a lot of questions about how it would work and if it would be sustainable. One of the biggest joys in running our doula agency was having the opportunity to get to know our clients and support them through their entire journey. And while we knew we weren’t the first doula agency to have to pivot after independent contractor laws changed (nor would we be the last!) ultimately it was important to us that we didn’t lose the opportunity to connect with those searching for a doula in Orange County.

One of the biggest things that sets us apart from referral services is that personal connection that makes finding a doula so important. That is why we strive to get to know you, not only because we love hearing about you and what you want out of your birth/postpartum experience, but because it helps us make those matches made in doula heaven. By learning more about you and your care needs we can confidently match you with doulas who’ll you have good chemistry with (‘cause let’s face it, finding a doula is kind of like dating) and who will be able to support you in the ways that you need and want.

Why a Judgment-Free Doula Matters

You'll here us talk about non-judgmental support A LOT in our work as doulas. This is the pillar on which our agency stands. But we're often asked, what does non-judmental support really mean? 

I remember the exact moment when I realized how important being a judgment-free doula was. I was at a baby shower chatting it up with some friends, including the guest of honor, the mama-to-be. Someone in the group asked if she had a birth plan. I saw her face fall as she looked directly at me, then looked quickly away. Her demeanor changed as she told us that she had already scheduled a repeat cesarean. 

Earlier in her pregnancy she had come to me asking about VBACs (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean). I remember gushing about how amazing VBACs were and how empowering they can be. I remember telling her that she should go for it! I recall side-stepping her fears about uterine rupture, explaining that they are a rarity and I recall dismissing her fears about going past her estimated due date and needing to be induced. I cringe now thinking about the assumptions I made and how I projected my personal beliefs onto her. 

It was there at that baby shower that she held a mirror up to my face. After sharing that she was choosing to have a cesarean, she shared that she was nervous to tell me. She was scared that I wasn't going to be supportive or that I would try to talk her into having a VBAC. 

My spirit was crushed.

I was mortified that my passion for supporting natural birth had come across as judgmental and that my words and actions had caused shame and fear. As a doula, I often touted myself as non-judgmental and while I intentionally never made anyone feel bad about their birth experience, it was at this baby shower that I began to wonder just how non-judgmental my support really was. 

Talk about a wake up call!

In that moment I made a decision that changed my approach as a doula. As I apologized to my friend for my judgments and for making her experience seem less than, I made a commitment to myself to do better and be better. I became a doula to make a positive impact on birth and the best way I know how to do that is to be open and unconditionally supportive of all choices. And it is that attitude that we look for in all the doulas we bring onto our team. 

Our support involves no judgment.

None. Nada.

zip. zilch.

completely, 100% Judgment free.

Your birth is yours and yours alone. Yes, there will be family, friends, care providers, and your doulas surrounding you with support and love. But it is your body and your baby, therefore the choices you make are yours. We vow not to project any certain agenda or philosophy onto your unique experience.

Our doulas offer a safe space to share your beliefs about birth and parenting, your fears, and your desires.  Together, you and your doula will create a birth and postpartum plan that encompasses all your needs. And while she is there to answer your questions and offer guidance, she trusts in your capacity to make the informed decisions that are right for you. Even if your plans change down the line, the non-judgmental support will continue. 

It is our belief that with the support of your judgment-free doula positivity will surround your pregnancy, birth, and parenting journey. It is our belief that in providing space to learn and make your own decisions you will find confidence. It is our believe that in being there 100%, no questions asked, you will find comfort and peace of mind. 

The birth of your baby will forever change you. This is your experience, and we will be by your side, no matter what. Your choices are yours, not ours. Your birth is yours, not ours. Your body is yours, not ours. Your baby is yours, not ours. What is ours is our desire and passion for spending this time with you, your partner and your family, offering unconditional support and care. And we offer it happily.

Holiday Cheer and Holiday Sales!

Our tummies are full of delicious food and we're gearing up for the excitement and joy of the holiday season. You could say that we're full of holiday cheer and we're in the mood to spread it around. What does Buddy the Elf say? "The best way to spread holiday cheer is singing loud for all to hear!"

Well, we aren't going to sing for you, but we're definitely going to shout!!

shop small and save BIG this weekend

with Doulas of Orange County!

Postpartum Doula or Baby Nurse? What You Need to Know

Have you every wondered what the difference is between a night nanny, a baby nurse, a newborn care specialist, and a postpartum doula? Yeah, so have we! 

The commonality in all of these professions is that we are all here to provide support to new families throughout the months and first year following birth. And while our goals are similar, the scope of practice within each role, along with the training & professionalism required is quite different. 

Let me be straight with you - there are no specific credentials or training associated with a night nanny or a baby nurse. In fact, baby nurses or night nurses are typically not nurses at all, let alone trained to provide any type of medical care. I personally don't know many night nurses or baby nurses that utilize a contract or have many professional systems in place, which can be another red flag for some families. I honestly don't know where these terms came from but they can be confusing and misleading to parents seeking trusted support.