
How to Cope with Bed Rest During a Twin Pregnancy: Tips from a Doula

How to Cope with Bed Rest During a Twin Pregnancy: Tips from a Doula

So, your doctor has just uttered the dreaded words: “You need to go on bed rest.” Whether it’s for a few weeks or the remainder of your pregnancy, bed rest can feel like a double-edged sword—especially when you’re pregnant with twins. On one hand, you’re doing everything to keep those babies safe and sound for as long as possible. On the other hand, it’s mentally and physically exhausting to be stuck in one place, day in and day out, while worrying about your sweet babies.

Pregnancy Fun in Orange County

Pregnancy is an amazingly transformative time.

It isn’t always fun… morning sickness, anyone?

Pregnancy can sometimes mean you miss out on the exciting adventures your friends are having. No rollercoasters or skydiving for you!

But there are a few things that are only fun to do if you are pregnant!

Do you need a pick-me-up or want a list of things to do to make the most of your pregnancy? We’ve got lots of great ideas to keep you entertained through each trimester.

Working Mom-to-Be: 6 Tips for Working Full-Time During Pregnancy

With so many changes happening in your body, pregnancy can feel like a full-time job in itself. But what about your other job? You want to continue working full-time until maternity leave while feeling your best. We’re here to tell you that it’s possible! You can do this!

We talked to clients and doulas on the Doulas of Orange County team about how they’ve managed to continue working during their pregnancies and are sharing their top tips with you!

11 Safe + Effective Morning Sickness Remedies

The joy of discovering you’re pregnant can be quickly overshadowed by a constant need to bow down before the “porcelain gods” as soon as you get out of bed or every time you smell a neighbor cooking.

Morning sickness, which is rarely confined to mornings, can become the bane of your existence during the first trimester. It might have even been a little exciting at first, but now you need some relief. We’re sharing 11 of the most common, safe, and effective morning sickness remedies so you can get some relief!